11 Apr The Countdown Has Begun!
OpenZeka’s Mini Autonomous Racing Car (MARC) Competition will beginning on Saturday at Cyberpark (Ankara)
Mini Autonomous Vehicle Competition will be held in Ankara, Bilkent Cyberpark on 13 April, 2019. Attended teams went through an intensive training process in deep-learning algorithms before. Special production 1:10 scale mini cars are equipped with Nvidia Jetson TX platforms, high technology radar and sensors.
Autonomous vehicle competition MARC (https://marc.openzeka.com/ )
is organizing by OpenZeka (www.openzeka.com ) will take place at Bilkent Cyberpark, Ankara on April 13th.
Turkcell, Karel, BMC and Doğuş Technology will attend with their company teams, also 10 universities and 4 High Schools teams will be in competition.
Attended teams went through an intensive training process in deep-learning algorithms before. Special production 1:10 scale mini cars are equipped with Nvidia Jetson TX platforms, high technology radar and sensors. All driving experience in a real vehicle can be simulated, teams will demonstrate how they can generate solutions for the driving needs of the real world with deep learning algorithms.
It is stated that on specially prepared track, teams will test all the scenarios including driving safety to traffic signs, generating solutions for suddenly appeared pedestrian on the road etc. Also there are lots of pre-defined obstacles in order to achieve the defined tasks rapidly and without any mistake.
Source: https://www.haberturk.com/otonom-arac-yarismasi-marc-a-geri-sayim-basladi-2428234-ekonomi